Tent App


INTENT entails a long-term incentive driving demand for the token: the broader the user base, the higher the token demand. The token distribution is executed automatically, triggered by users through paying with their crypto card, buying and selling cryptocurrencies and overall using various TENT exchange services in their daily lives.

  • To avoid the risk of infinite inflation, the total supply is immutably capped. The entire token supply of 2,000 million INTENTs will be pre-minted to a genesis address at the beginning and distributed according to the given rules. The distribution period is coming out from a 5-year business projection and makes all active users eligible to automatically receive INTENTs.
  • Ownership of INTENT (regardless of whether obtained for activity or bought on a secondary market, whether stored on a custodial or non-custodial wallet) is mathematically constantly generating loyalty credits - Loyaltents [LTs], which users use for cutting down the costs associated with using TENT trading services.
  • While the INTENT token is transferable as any other blockchain token, the Loyaltents remain inseparable from the user and cannot be transferred. Users are thus motivated either to buy the INTENT token making their service cheaper (or fully free of charge), sell it anytime on the secondary market, or even hold more than needed for one’s utility (i.e., governance or speculative motives).

The value of INTENT is created by its effective utility of saving on or eventually avoiding all fees associated with using TENT services of crypto buying, storing, swapping, and spending. The value is not virtual but substantially backed by a pool of Euros.

  • This pool (DISCOUNT POOL) is filled with card interchange fees (from each card transaction) and with a share of other TENT revenues. The DISCOUNT POOL is devoted to distributing tokens to INTENT token holders and lowering their fees, e.g. It is designed as a system of counterbalanced powers: on the one side positively incentivising users to transact and be active within the TENT ecosystem ⇨ obtain more INTENT tokens ⇨ which generate more discounts (Loyaltents). On the contrary, with the increasing volume, the speed of Loyaltents 11 generation (i.e., the speed of filling the DISCOUNT POOL) decelerates, as well as the relative impact of demurrage increases at the same time ⇨ the users are incentivized to utilise the Loyaltents, not to hoard them.
  • The value of INTENT is created by its effective utility of saving on or eventually avoiding all fees associated with using TENT services of crypto buying, storing, swapping, and spending. The value is not virtual but substantially backed by a pool of Euros.
  • This pool (DISCOUNT POOL) is filled with card interchange fees (from each card transaction) and with a share of other TENT revenues. The DISCOUNT POOL is devoted to distributing tokens to INTENT token holders and lowering their fees, e.g. It is designed as a system of counterbalanced powers: on the one side positively incentivising users to transact and be active within the TENT ecosystem.
Intent Token Circulation
Tent App
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